The 2025-30 Trend Forecast Pain or Wonder

Today, we are witnessing a time of great change. New technologies like blockchain, 5G, AI, MR, IoT and others are driving the world into a new time, not just from a technological point of view, but also from a political and cultural one. The coming years are most likely to bring new changes in the way we live, in the way we organize our society, in the design of the objects we use on a daily basis (everything from cars to kitchen supplies), in politics and much more. The economical system will change dramatically and so will the way we interact with others. Every social changes involves a change in government, in the way we work and, as it is only natural, in the way we express ourselves artistically – the next years may be aggitated (probably more aggitated than people can imagine), but in a few years, life will slow down. Surely, some places will move more slowly than others. Trends today are becoming in general more and more slow. For a while now, we have in a way come to a cultural standstill, so the next years will bring a shift and a “rethink” in the way we organize culture.
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Fraquoh and Franchomme