Liev Arts

Liev Arts is offering a global 360 degrees art experience.

We are dedicated to finding world-class works of arts and talent to feature in our print and digital publications and to connect the artists with art lovers. As part of our mission, we are also creating exhibitions and working with artists from all around the world to create and develop high-value art projects.

Visibility is one of our main goals. At Liev, we connect collectors with artists and provide opportunities for every type of connection between galleries, consumers and creators. Our event services also connect people who are interested in sharing ideas, buying and selling art and discovering new people from every corner of the world.

We’re here to support artists, as well as collectors and consumers every step of the way to make sure you have a five-star experience.

At Liev, we are creating and promoting collections, shows, educational programs and lectures that revolve around the arts.

Liev is your daily companion to explore fascinating works of art, museums, galleries, biennials and cultural events.



To connect with us, send us an e-mail on our Contact page!